Friday, October 17, 2014

Large Catechism: Conclusion of the Ten Commandments Part 3

Read the Large Catechism with me.  
Ten-minute studies on short readings from the Large Catechism.  
Let's do this.
Click on the link below and read the short assigned reading.  Then, if you have time, check out what I have to say about it.  If not, no problem.  Just soak up the goodness of the LC.

Conclusion of the Ten Commandments Part 3: Click here and read 326 - the end of the conclusion.

The basics:
- Luther goes through each of the commandments and connects it to the First.
- The First Commandment is the source and fountainhead from which flows all the rest, and again, all return and depend upon it.  The beginning and the end are bound to each other.
- It is commanded in the Old Testament to write these laws upon your doors, homes, hearts, clothing, etc.  This is so they may be ever-present in our minds and lives.  Our eyes should be permanently fixed on them, and have them constantly in our memory.
- The Ten Commandments should be taught and esteemed precious and dear, as the highest treasure given by God.

My thoughts today:
Is it okay for me to just say, "WOOHOO?"
We did it!  We finished reading the Ten Commandments section of the Large Catechism!!!

Of course, if Luther heard me say this, I would promptly be chastised for thinking I was finished at all.  "Now go back and read it again.  And again.  And again."

You are right, Luther.  I do need to hear it and read it daily and much.
Onto the next section...