Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reality: The Peace of Three

Having three kids is peaceful.  You might not hear that one everyday.  In fact, you might not ever hear someone udder such seemingly ridiculous words.  Come to think of it, you might call me crazy for even saying them if you saw my house on any given day.

It doesn't look all that peaceful.
Believe me.
Peaceful brings one to think of quietness and gentleness and cleanliness.
My house is none of those "ness"es.

But my spirit as a mother is finding its way here with three.  It is finding its groove.

I have spoken with other mothers of three and the experience seems to be similar.  Mothers who hope and plan for more and mothers who know their blessings of new children are finished.  Somehow, number three makes a profound impact on the soul of a mother.

I believe the difference is the wisdom that comes from children.  They are wise and they share it.  Children trust and give and believe so much deeper than adults.  Maybe a very small portion of that wisdom rubs off on parents.  Maybe mothers absorb it along the way.  It makes us see the world differently.  It makes us understand excitement.  It makes us stop questioning everything and start breathing in the moment.

On child one, I spent hours google searching about sleep patterns.  I knew I was the only person in the world with a child who would not sleep.
On child two, I spent hours google searching second child sleep patterns.  I knew I was the only person in the world with two children who would not sleep.
On child three, I don't spend hours google searching much of anything.  Granted, some of that comes from the lack of time to actually spend hours google searching, but most of it comes from the peace of three.

I have watched my four-year-old grow into this amazing young man.  I have seen him sick.  I have seen him healthy.  I have held him for hours, days, weeks.  I have missed him after he has fallen asleep.  I have longed for one more hug.  Time passes, and they grow and change.

By the time number three comes, number one has shown you just how quickly it really goes.  And sure, every elderly woman in the grocery line tells you that it goes quickly, and someday maybe I will learn to listen to the wisdom of those aged mothers...

But some lessons you must learn by living.
Some lessons you must learn through the wisdom that rubs off of those small people.

No one can tell you to cherish the every hour feedings.
No one can tell you to forget about sleep patterns and just love and hold your babies.
No one can tell you that this phase too shall pass.
No one can tell you that the years are short and the days are long.

Instead, the wisdom just keeps rubbing off.  Mothers keep gaining more, and we find our peace.
And somehow, believe it or not, life becomes more peaceful with three -

even when it doesn't feel like it.
even when it doesn't look like it.
even when you have a day when all you want to say is, "Will everyone please stop touching me for one single second!?"

Even then, life is somehow more peaceful.

But, you know, I can't tell you that.