Thursday, August 28, 2014

Large Catechism: Short Preface Part 1

Read the Large Catechism with me.  
Ten-minute studies on short readings from the Large Catechism.  
Let's do this.
Click on the link below and read the short assigned reading.  Then, if you have time, check out what I have to say about it.  If not, no problem.  Just soak up the goodness of the LC.

Short Preface: Click here and read the first two paragraphs marked 1-6

The basics:
- The three parts: the Ten Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord's Prayer are for all children and all Christians to learn.
- It is the duty of the father of the household to examine his children on these chief parts.  He is responsible for teaching the Catechism to his household.
- Anyone receiving Communion must know these chief parts.

My thoughts today:
Today, I am actually going to link to someone else's thoughts, because they are awesome.  So, go ahead and read about a father's responsibility to his household in the words of my dear friend, Rev. Jordan McKinley.  His article also helps me to remember my husband is my theological head, and it is my responsibility to listen to and learn from him.

While reading, remember this:
If your home does not have a father in it or has a father who refuses to fulfill his God-given duty, please recognize your own responsibility to stand as head of the home in place of God's ordered design.

Find Pastor McKinley's article here:
The Most Neglected Part of the Small Catechism