Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Large Catechism: The Lord's Prayer, Seventh Petition

Read the Large Catechism with me.  
Ten-minute studies on short readings from the Large Catechism.  
Let's do this.
Click on the link below and read the short assigned reading.  Then, if you have time, check out what I have to say about it.  If not, no problem.  Just soak up the goodness of the LC.

The Lord's Prayer, Seventh Petition: Click here and read 112-124.

The basics:
- But deliver us from evil. Amen.
- In the Greek text this petition reads - Deliver or preserve us from the Evil One, or the Malicious One [the devil, himself].
- This petition includes any evil that may happen to us under the devil's kingdom - poverty, shame, death, and all misery and heartache.
- The devil is a liar and a murderer.  He constantly seeks our life and wreaks his anger whenever he can afflict our bodies with harm.  Hence he often breaks men's necks or drives them to insanity, drowns some, and incites many to commit suicide, and to many other terrible calamities.
- This petition is last; for if we are to be preserved and delivered from all evil, the name of God must first be hallowed in us, His kingdom must be with us, and His will be done.
- This prayer depends upon us learning to say Amen, that is, that we do not doubt that our prayer is surely heard, and shall be done.
- Some believe God does not hear them because of their own sinfulness.  They are not regarding the promise of God, but their own work and worthiness; whereby they despise God and will receive nothing.

My thoughts today:
I couldn't help but think about the recent news stories of assisted suicide and the so-called "death with dignity" campaign when reading this.

"For since the devil is not only a liar, but also a murderer, he constantly seeks our life, and wreaks his anger whenever he can afflict our bodies with misfortune and harm.  Hence it comes that he often breaks men's necks or drives them to insanity, drowns some, and incites many to commit suicide, and to many other terrible calamities."

Damn the devil.  Seriously.  And good thing we already know he is, but damn him more for bringing down so many with him.

Suicide is such a terrible terrible loss for all those seeking answers back here.  The devil convinces people it is their only choice, and then he convinces the ones left here that they weren't enough for their loved one.

Damn the devil.

Please watch the video below, and stand with Maggie for life.  Let us look the devil in the face and call him what he is - LIAR!  MURDERER!  When he tries to convince us that he has a better way, may God strengthen us and help us stand firm in His promises.

To life!

And may God deliver us all from the evil one.  Amen.