Saturday, January 11, 2014

Womanhood: Loving Life

Our first mother was given the name Eve from her husband.  "The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." [Genesis 3:20]

The first of all women was created to love life.  There is no denying it.  She was the mother of all to come.  She was the mother ancestor of our risen Lord.  A mother loves her offspring.  A mother cherishes the offspring of her offspring.  A mother is delighted to live long enough to love the offspring of her offspring's offspring.

A mother loves life.

In all the books of the Bible, there are no godly women described as killing children or hating pregnancy.  In fact, it is FULL of stories of godly women hiding their babies in baskets among the reeds to save them and longing for pregnancy into years far past childbearing ages.

A woman loves life.

A woman loves life so much she hurts.  She cries out for mercy for every child.  She watches her tears fall for the loss of her own child in utero.  She watches her tears fall for the loss of her young or old child.  She watches her tears fall for the barrenness of her sisters.  She watches her tears fall over her singleness and wonders if God will bless her with a husband with whom to become one.  She watches her tears fall for the baby created and then killed in less than ideal circumstances.  She watches her tears fall for the millions of baby girls never given the chance to love life as a woman.  She watches her tears fall for the millions of baby boys never given the chance to love life as a man.

Her soul cries out.  She was made to feel this pain and hatred of death and love of life,
because she was made in the image of God.

You cannot be a biblical woman and be pro-choice.
You cannot be a Christian woman and be pro-choice.
Well, okay, you actually can, but it is a sin.
Unrepentant, don't-judge-me, blatant, sign-holding sin deserves judgment.

Oh boy (or should I say "Oh woman?"), I just made a really harsh statement toward a whole bunch of women.

I am thankful the story doesn't end there.

Thanks be to God -
He created a plan to save us from the beginning.  This plan would use the pregnancies of many women (from Eve to Mary) to bring forth the Life to save all lives - all the lives He created in wombs of women throughout history.

For every sin we have committed.
For every time we have not loved life and defended it the way we should.
For all those things, He came.  He forgives.

A woman may love life so much she hurts,

but He...

He loves life so much He died...

that we may live.