Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reality: You Can't Be Anything

Sometimes what you want to be doesn't happen, sometimes what you want to be can't happen, and sometimes what you want to be shouldn't happen.

So, why dear parents of the world, do so many of us teach our children (or allow others to teach our children) the phrase "you can be anything you want to be?"  It simply isn't true.  Our children may want it, but sometimes it doesn't happen...sometimes it can't happen...and sometimes it shouldn't happen.

I don't plan on wrecking my children's dreams, imaginations, or hopes, but I do plan to raise them to know and understand their own God-given talents, abilities, and gifts.  I plan to teach them about true vocation.  I plan to prepare them for their own failures.  I plan to show them some jobs you CAN do in this world should, in fact, NOT be done.

Not every kid grows up to play professional football, even if they try really hard and really want it. Sometimes what you want to be doesn't happen.

Not every kid can grow up to be a pastor, even if they study really hard and really want it.  Sometimes what you want to be can't happen.

No kid should be a drug dealer, a stripper, a prostitute, or an abortion-providing doctor, even if they see the money and really want it.  Sometimes what you want to be shouldn't happen.

I will help each of my children dream big, study hard, and practice many skills, but I do not plan on telling them they can be anything they want to be.