I absolutely LOVED this activity. I am going to do a million variations on this one.
Take 10 sheets of construction paper and write a number 1-10 on each one. Under each number draw the corresponding number of dots.
Then gather 55 coins. I chose to do totally type A things like choose nickels for the number 5 and dimes for the number 10, but if you aren't crazy, don't worry about it.
Then play some games with your toddler(s).
Have them fill every dot with a coin.
Ask them to count all the dots up to 55 (with help, of course).
Fill some of the spots yourself and then ask your child how many coins are needed to complete the sheet.
Give your child a certain number of coins and ask them to put them on the sheet with that number.
Teach your child the name of each coin.
Introduce counting by fives with the nickels.
So many opportunities.
So. Much. Fun.