This is Me

We live in a world where social media can make us seem so small, physically and emotionally.  Our efforts seem outsmarted by everyone on a pin board.  Our creativity seems outdone by the photos posted by superstars in every area of cooking and crafting.  Our parenting seems flawed by every judgmental comment posted on a blog.  We seem small.  And the smaller we seem, the less likely we are to admit that we are small, because everyone else seems so large.

So, this is me - admitting how small I am.  This is me - being real.

My Vocation - I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a pastor's wife, and a woman.  I had a whole other life before choosing to stay at home for my family.  Somewhere in that life I got an art education bachelor's degree, a student affairs master's degree, and held a professional position for four years post grad school.  Now, I play peek-a-boo and pride myself in stain removal and healthy cooking.  Those things fulfill me much more.

My Husband - My best friend, my confidant, my partner, my pastor, and my sanity.

My Children - God has blessed us with four children.  Our first, who died at 10 weeks gestation; our second, a son, who we adopted at birth (trans-racial domestic open adoption); our third, a son, who came biologically just 13 months after his older brother; and our fourth, a daughter, who came about two years later.  Our living children are 3, 2, and infant.  God has richly blessed us.