Thursday, July 31, 2014

Womanhood: Real Men are Modest

As I was scanning through the endless updates on my newsfeed, I saw a picture of a half naked man and woman embracing each other on a bed.  Pretty common, really.  Am I right?  No big deal.  I was somewhat interested in the story attached, so I decided to read the comments other friends had said below.

There were three separate comments from three different men who talked about how the picture was quite inappropriate.

Did I mention I happen to be friends with a lot of awesome men?

Awesome men who say things like,
"The picture of the half naked woman bothers me."
"I like the ideas in the article, but I am offended by the picture.  I can't share it because of that."

Yep.  Men.  Real men.

I scrolled on by the picture like it was old hat.  Nothing new here.  Just a naked woman.
Shame on me.
Maybe it was because I see so much skin these days, sure.  In an immodest culture, we are all a little desensitized.  Maybe it was because I am not as interested in seeing a naked lady, so I scrolled by without interest.

Whatever the reason, I just ignored it.
That isn't being very modest, my dear Kelly.
But hats off to you, men, for noticing and standing up for me and for all women.

Modesty isn't just about what we wear and how we wear it, what kind of poses we make in pictures, or what kind of moves we do on the dance floor.  Modesty is indeed about all of those things, but it is also about what we allow to be shared about other women and men.  It is about how we view culture.  It is about how we view sex.  It is about watching out for our neighbors and their best interests.  It is about not liking inappropriate pictures on a woman's photo sharing sight.  It is about valuing our bodies more than valuing the responses they get in a public forum.  It is about encouraging and uplifting those who stand up against the objectification of women and of men.  It is about remembering that every man and woman's body is one for whom Christ died.

Modesty is about thanking the real men out there brave enough to say they have had enough.
So, thank you, male friends.
Thank you for reminding me that real men are modest.